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My research story.

Storytelling is one of the oldest ways of sharing histories, instructions and even survival. As a narrative scholar, the role of story telling in research is crucial for equity. My portfolio of work is best described as a collection of stories rooted in critical analysis and the audacity of hope. Take a look at a few of the stories told through my work below.


Edited Books

Gray, A. L., Hall, C.N, Andrews, K.E. & Clark, B. (2023). Waiting to Exhale: The Sister Keepers of the Academy. In Fries-Britt, S., Kelly, B.T. (Eds.) Black Women Navigating the Doctoral Journey: Student Peer Support, Mentorship, and Success in the Academy.

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Commodore, F. & Gray, A.L. (Forthcoming). Title forthcoming. In Mobley, S.D, Njoku, N., Johnson, J.N., Davis, L.P. (Eds.) Embracing Queer Students at HBCUs: A primer for presidents, administrators, and faculty.

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Hubbard, K.M., Burris, A.M. & Gray, A.L. (2013).The post-secondary experiences of three Black female students. In D. Davis & P. Boyer (Eds.), Social justice issues and racism in the college classroom: Perspectives from different voices (pp. 171-194). Emerald Group Publishing- Limited.

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Gray, A.L. (2023). The Invisible Checklist: Women of Color Leaders' Ascension Implications. American Council on Education.

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Gray, A. L., Chessman, H. & Howard E.L. (2018). Voices from the field: Women of color college presidents. The American Council on Education

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Gray, A.L., Crandall, J.R., & Taylor, M. (2019, October 21). The five percent: Considerations for investing in women of color. Higher Education Today. 

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Crandall, J. R., Gray, A. L. & Taylor, M. (2019). The equity imperative: women of color and the college presidency. The American Council of Education. 

Reports/ Briefs/ White Papers

Scholarly Blogs

Funded Reports/Briefs


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